Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which an individual is not able to sleep properly at night and experiences sudden awakenings in the middle of the night. It can also result in sleepless nights and tiresome days. If you ever experience any of the symptoms of insomnia, you should see a doctor and get a diagnosis and prescription for it. You can also buy zolpidem online uk, any dosage as per your prescription.
Types of insomnia
Various researchers classified insomnia into the following types:
Classification of insomnia on the basis of duration:
Acute or short term insomnia: It is also known as transient insomnia. It is a short-term sleep disorder that can last for a few days or weeks.
Chronic or long-term insomnia: It is also known as insomniac disorder. It can occur for 3 or more nights a week and lasts more than 3 months.
You should consult your health care provider and start your treatment for insomnia. If your doctor prescribes zolpidem for your treatment, then you can order zolpidem online uk and get your medication at your doorstep.
Some health experts say that sometimes other mental health disorders also become a cause of insomnia. For example, if an individual is already suffering from anxiety and depression, it is common for them to develop the problem of insomnia too. On the other hand, insomnia can also be a cause of other mental health problems like anxiety, stress and depression. So it is important to know whether insomnia is a cause or an effect on your situation.
Insomnia can also be categorized into the following subtypes. It includes:
* psychophysiological insomnia in which an individual experiences both mental and physical distress.
* idiopathic insomnia
* inadequate sleep hygiene can also cause insomnia
* Sometimes insomnia can be behavioral. It is known as behavioral insomnia of childhood.
* Paradoxical insomnia
* insomnia due to other mental health conditions like anxiety and depression
* insomnia due to other medical conditions like injury and pregnancy
* insomnia due to use of illicit drugs, caffeine or substance
Treatments for insomnia
Doctors generally prescribe medication or advice to get some psychotherapy for the treatment of insomnia. Various treatments for insomnia include:
* cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
* prescription medications like zolpidem
* Melatonin
* over-the-counter sleep aids
You can also treat your insomnia by changing your sleeping habits.
* you should develop a daily routine of going to You bed at the same time and waking up at the same time every day.
* You should avoid usage of the screen of your mobile phone and laptop before going to bed
* You can ensure that your room is comfortable to get a sound sleep.
You can also treat your insomnia by changing your dietary plans.
* You should avoid taking caffeine, alcohol and other drugs before going to bed.
* Do not take heavy meals before going to bed.
* Exercise regularly to digest your food and have a healthy diet every day.
You can consult your medical health care provider to get some advice regarding psychotherapeutic treatment for your insomnia. You can also buy zolpidem online on prescription. You can get zolpidem online uk of various dosages and with various offers. Insomnia can affect your mental and physical health to a great extent and can also disturb your daily routine. Therefore, it is important to treat it as soon as possible.